Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How do i forgive and forget after betrayal?

hello, my boyfriend and i are both christians, 25years old and have been dating for 1year and a half. we decided to be faithful to each other and be truthful and have our relationship reflect and respect God. about 2weeks ago after asking and probing him he finally admitted that he has a 2 "possible" babies. one is 4 months old and the other is soon to be born next month. i cant explain, my hurt, anger, sadness, and betrayal about this situation. im too embarred to talk to anyone i know bc they all think he is such a great man. i do love him and now that the initial sadness/shock is over im now filled with anger and resentment for him and the baby, because he deprived me/us of the joy of having our first baby together in a married union, he is now seeing/spending time with the child, which bothers me like you wouldn't believe. i have feelings of jealousy, and anger at the baby and him. but i find myself wanting to forgive and forget but i dont know how because those babies are a constant reminder of his betrayal. i pray and act like he never cheated on me, then he'll say "im about to get ,my baby". then i will develope stomach pains and an attitude, we will get into an argument and i will hang up the phone. he recently shared with me that he wants me there as his women and friend so i can listen to his problems etc.. but its hard for me to listen to his new "daddy" problems when im still dealing with problems of my own. and to add insult to injury i have been given a time limit on how long to remain mad with him because as he put it he has a lot of stress in his life as it is and he doesn't want to fight with me also. i do love this man with all my heart and i want to know if there is a way for me to forgive him and not continue to bring up his short comings in his face when ever he make me mad. even if i didn't want to be with him i want to learn how to forgive him so i wont get my blessings cut off. you may ask why would i want to be with a man like this? i ask myself that same question, maybe im just that insecure. but before this happened i was a kind joyful godly women, and now this has turned me into a hateful,bitter unhappy person..God please speak through someone, to give me some encouraging words. in jesus name Amen.

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