Thursday, August 18, 2011

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! Soo excited help me modify my plan?

At 13, you will not be able to get an airline ticket without a parent. If things are that bad and you have a trusted family member that you will call anyways...I would suggest not running away and calling them for help first. Maybe you can go live with them without all the drama.

When is the third season of The Vampire Diaries set to air on CW?

Season ONE just finished. Season two starts in September of this year...season three if there will be one won't start until Sept 2011. Don't confuse the Christmas hiatus with a new season starting, CW does that with every show.

How do you recover from the loss of your best friend?

I had a King Charles Spaniel. His name was Huntley. We were walking beside the c on monday evening when Huntley slipped on some ice and fell into the c. I tried to reach and get him out, as did a ping cyclist who leant his istance. It was no use, the c was cold and deep, the water fast flowing and the current too strong. Huntley was swept away and that is the last I saw of him. I am utterly saddened and blame myself. Will life ever be the same again?

Emotionally abusive boyfriend?

you deserve better. i dont understand why people allow others to walk all over them. obviously he doesnt love you that much to be treating you like that. leave him, or get a backbone and start standing up to him.

Wich one will better Windows 7 64 bit or 32 bit?

I would think Windows 7 64 bit just because it should be able to handle the amount of RAM you specified.

97 Prelude. Spark Plug wire cover bolt stripped/broken/missing?

its just to make the engine look cleaner you can even take it off no problem one bolt you shouldn't worry about

Is THIS a typical R&S Christian attitude ?

If that is what a Christan said to you, personally I think he was too kind and gentle. You are either new, a troll or have never seen the filthy abuse we cop.

Need to get from Karlsruhe-Baden Airport to Frankfurt Hahn Airport...?

Am making a trip in December 09 to Manchester/Leeds (UK). However Ryan air only flies from Frankfurt Hahn Airport. Can anyone advise me what is the cheapest way to get to Frankfurt Hahn Airport from Karlsruhe-Baden? I can't drive so that is out. Thanks a million!

I'm a Socialist but I like guns!?

Well written and much that I can agree with. I do not agree with socialism but most of your other points make great sense. Congratulations on thinking for yourself.

Greatest basketball player of all time?

was fortunate enough to watch a individual it has to be wilt . his 100 point game and other feats place him at the top. the greatest team player/leader kareem . both rightfully are the greatest. nothing intended towards jordan . he was hyped by the n b a. serious n b a experts may have jordan in the top 5. as a dominant Individuel player. has to be wilt as the best. as a great team leader it is kareem. very very large gap between these two, and other players. to days game. still would dominate. better Carree kareem. dominant Performance wilt.the way your question is worded wilt would be the best of all time. jordan may be top 5. very doubtful. no disrespect to mike. or any n b a player. i did play pro sports canada boston. know what it takes to be in the best league. do not understand why this forum users disrespect any athlete playing at a level they never achieved. very good question .

What to expect when i get a physical?

Im a teenage girl and im starting high school next year and i have to get a physical for athletics...what all should i expect?????

Relationships & Cheating?

Is there anyone out there that had their partner/spouse cheat on them and able to work through it? Anyone have infidelity in their relationship? Did the emotions of betrayal, hurt, resentment and feeling 2nd best ever subside? Do you still think about what happened now? Please help!

What do you think of my oxford heels?

They would have to match your skin color pretty close to look good, because if the color is too contrasting, you will look short.

Anyone heard the new supergroup "Black Country Communion" yet?

Got the album on monday and it impressed me right away, I was mainly interested because of Glenn Hughes, but they all do great on it, there isn't one song on it I don't like, I also like how they gave it a 70s clic rock sound

Change my gas fire place from pilot/knob to flipping a switch?

I have a gas fire place that's about 12 years old. It's lit like a water heater where there's a knob for the gas that you push in to light the pilot and then turn to ignite the fire. It's very close to the fire and i have to use a pot holder to turn it off. A friend of mine said with certain parts the fireplace could be upgraded to the kind that turns on with the flip of a switch (self igniting... saving money on gas always running to the pilot). Could someone point me to some doentation on what parts are needed for the upgrade? Thanks.

What is another way to say the phrase emotionally distant?

I'm doing a project and I'd like to know a synonym or another way to say emotionally distant. Please, and thank you. (:

What is the difference between Christianity and Catholicism? ?

I think I want to be Christian... please answer the question and then I'd like to hear your thoughts on both religions, thanks in advance!

Dwight Howard is coming to Chicago = End of Miami's reign?

I don't think he goes to Chicago. But if he did. They would be a scary defensive team. The Magic still has a chance to prove that they can contend for championships with him. Don't listen to rumors where Dwight will go. Remember during LeBron's stay at Cleveland. Most thought he would go to the Knicks, Nets, and Bulls. Miami was the team that came out of nowhere. Btw, you said "Keep Rose & Deng, get rid of everyone else." I say if they get Dwight. Keep Rose, Noah, Deng, Watson, & Taj Gibson, get rid of everyone else.

Indy racing?

why are there so few races? there's only 17, nascar has a ton. haven't been watching long, so is 17 a lot? how many were there in the past?

Who will have a better year, Delhomme or Palmer?

Who do you think will have the best year, points wise, in a default yahoo fantasy league? Carson Palmer or Jake Delhomme.

Hollywood needs more Marion Cotillard?

Don't you wish we have more like her-----beautiful, talented, deep and represents substance in Hollywood? When she won the Best Actress yesterday and gave her speech, she is just very stunning and beautiful. Why is Hollywood so obsessed with these latina can't act beauties----jessica alba, eva mendez, jessica biel and ms. desperate housewife whats-her-name?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Guys, I need a straightforward answer: does he like me or not?

I talk to this guy at least everyone other night on Facebook chat, and he is usually the first one to initiate the conversation. We always talk for at least an hour, sometimes even two hours or more and he asks me things about myself and seems interested. And my friend asked him if he liked me (i didn't ask her to, but she still did) and he told her "kind of". But I don't get it.. is he just shy or is he trying to figure out if he likes me or not? Or does he like me and I'm just missing the signs? Basically, I feel like he likes me, but I don't get why he just told my friend "kind of" and I don't get why he hasn't asked me out or anything yet.

How tall Exactly is Pick No.6 if the 2009 AFL National Draf, Garry Rohan because...?

186 for Rohan, apparently is correct,in comparison Brett Kirk is 184. Gawn could be sensational for the Dees, but like all big men, by around age 25 we will know if they have found a draft gem.

What does MLA stand for?

ok so im doing a powerpoint for my teacher and on the rubric, it says to have the works cited MLA style, does anyone know what that stands for???

How do i forgive and forget after betrayal?

hello, my boyfriend and i are both christians, 25years old and have been dating for 1year and a half. we decided to be faithful to each other and be truthful and have our relationship reflect and respect God. about 2weeks ago after asking and probing him he finally admitted that he has a 2 "possible" babies. one is 4 months old and the other is soon to be born next month. i cant explain, my hurt, anger, sadness, and betrayal about this situation. im too embarred to talk to anyone i know bc they all think he is such a great man. i do love him and now that the initial sadness/shock is over im now filled with anger and resentment for him and the baby, because he deprived me/us of the joy of having our first baby together in a married union, he is now seeing/spending time with the child, which bothers me like you wouldn't believe. i have feelings of jealousy, and anger at the baby and him. but i find myself wanting to forgive and forget but i dont know how because those babies are a constant reminder of his betrayal. i pray and act like he never cheated on me, then he'll say "im about to get ,my baby". then i will develope stomach pains and an attitude, we will get into an argument and i will hang up the phone. he recently shared with me that he wants me there as his women and friend so i can listen to his problems etc.. but its hard for me to listen to his new "daddy" problems when im still dealing with problems of my own. and to add insult to injury i have been given a time limit on how long to remain mad with him because as he put it he has a lot of stress in his life as it is and he doesn't want to fight with me also. i do love this man with all my heart and i want to know if there is a way for me to forgive him and not continue to bring up his short comings in his face when ever he make me mad. even if i didn't want to be with him i want to learn how to forgive him so i wont get my blessings cut off. you may ask why would i want to be with a man like this? i ask myself that same question, maybe im just that insecure. but before this happened i was a kind joyful godly women, and now this has turned me into a hateful,bitter unhappy person..God please speak through someone, to give me some encouraging words. in jesus name Amen.

Can I withhold rent legally if landlord will not fix the problem with neighbor's barking dogs?

No, but you can call animal control since barking dogs are noise pollution and they can get a citation for it. Also, you could move.

R/F my warrior deck plz?

Wow plz forget the dude talking of pokemon I think the deck is just fine I would put in like a marading captain so you can special summon another card in the same turn LOve the mirage dragon I one alot of matches with that baby *sigh* those where the days

Avast antivirus download error?

Listen I'm trying to help you from disaster, what you need to do is to go to this address download this product you'll think me later for this because i used it my self. it will scan your computer for free it will find all that's is wrong with your computer then it will cost you a little. Trust me that will be the best investment you'll ever have to do because it all worth it.

Name that TUNE! Oakland Coliseum A's Game when the opposing team has a meeting on the mound?

The tune played when the opposing team has a meeting on the mound.. it gets faster and faster as it plays...

Burning sulphur to naturally deter spiders and white ants. If I burn it - I have done this amny times its a?

when I had to flea bomb my house, the vet said it was OK to put a towel over the fish tank to block the noxious flumes from affecting the fish. Not sure if that will work with the sulphur as well, so I am curious to see what others have to say... Does it REALLY keep the insects out of your house?? I might have to try that...we get black widows occasionally and it stresses me out with the pets.

Would you feed this to your small dog?

I would except that my dogs are not cows.The legumes like peas, alfalfa, alfalfa sprouts, lentil beans, etc. are used to boost the protein levels of the food. There isn't much meat in this diet even if it is the first ingredient.

What else can the GOP quickly do to convince 'enthusiastic' voters that the Dems are toast in the midterms?

There is no need for Republicans to convince anyone that Democrats are toast. All of these people campaigning have resulted in one thing: bigger Republican leads, according to major polls such as Gallup and Rasmussen.

Was this girl crossing the line? 33 weeks pregnant?

I have 4 roommates all are ok and mature, except this one who is 22 and who recently gave her baby up for adoption. I am 20 and expecting and keeping my first. So out of nowhere i was cleaning my room and went into the living room to grab a broom and she started bombarding me with all these questions which were really none of her business. First she asked me what my birthplan was. She was saying things like what if there is ice on the road and etc etc. Than she asked what im planning on doing after wards as far as working. I told her i get unemployment and i am going to school full time and i get scholarships that fund my needs. She then asked where i get unemployment from, what am i going to do about child support. I told her that the father needs to prove to me hes ready to be a dad, and she was asking things like "oh so you would deprive him of seeing his son" so once again i explained that i am not begging him to see his son and that he has to grow up and that i will let him know when he is born. Then she asked where i plan on working after the baby is born, if im planning on living at the house for a long time, and basically was interrogating me with questions that were none of her business and me and her hardly talk!! than she suggested i get a savings account just in case something could happen to me or the baby. I felt really offended and than she asked what im naming the baby and asked why that name, and i just said that its because they represent two people that were imperfect but had impacts on society. At that point i was just like i gotta go clean. So honestly why was she bombarding me with all these questions that were really none of her business and how do i deal with it if she asks me again. And why was she acting like a know it all when she doesnt go to school and gave her baby away? HELP!!

AFL Ladder Predictions?

good to finally see someone with enough common sense to know that when it comes to intelligent tipping, North goes HIGHER on the ladder than Freo. You have Freo right where their last 15 years have given you reason to think they'll be! I noticed the fellas on Footy Clifieds said North was done already for the year. Wait! Don't people count them out every year? And how does that work out for them?

Does anyone know where I can buy a newborn soothie pacifier.?

I don't know where my son's is that he got at the hospital, you know the green one, and that is the only one that he will take and that will calm him. Does anyone know where I could buy one? Please help!

Weird, crazy dream. Can someone help interpret?

dreams are just random brain activity hun. they are not real and don't mean ANYTHING. sometimes your brain might take a random memory of yours and stick it in there or you do it yourself unconciously, but your dreams don't mean a thing.

Is wrestlemania getting worse each year?

do you think wrestlemania is getting worse each year? i think wrestlemania started going down ever since the wrestlemania stars like the rock, hogan, chris benoit (R.I.P), etc left. i mean cmon the mainevents arent anything like they used to be. the only thing keeping WM going is takers winning streak. if they ended that i dunno what would happen, and who is Taker facing at WM because if they dont give Undertaker a match WWE has Fuc*ed up BIG time

If a girl is on birth control can she get pregnant while on her period?

She is currently on her period, meaning she is not currently taking the pill during this week. Before this week she was steadily taking the pills as reccommended. My question is, if i *** inside her is there a greater risk of her getting pregnant since she is not on the pill while her period is happening?

What NFL quarterback was in a grocery store commercial making fun of their sack record?

The commercial had a quarterback, I keep thinking Romo or David Carr from the Texans.., but the bagger asked paper or plastic, and he was avoiding the word "sack" and had trouble bringing his groceries out.. it was really funny but YEARS old. they said something like, "he doesn't like anything having to do with 'sacks'." if you can find a video that would be awesome! if not, just tell me the quarterback that's in it. (this was aired in Texas, so the grocery store might be specific to the South)

What would you consider a broken arm. bodily injury or serious bodily injury?

i'm guessing here: probably if its just a simple break, without complications, a "bodily injury"?

What episode of family matters is this?

The scene from if is that some of the kids are dancing in the living room when little Richie comes is and says something like can I try then he flips on a hat and starts doing some sweet michael Jackson moves

"George Takei Calls Out Anti-Gay Arkansas School Board Member" ...were any of your teachers in school bigots?

Most teachers are pretty liberal, so your situation is unique. I am a Christian becoming a teacher, but don't sweat it. Gays are okay in my book. One has to be bias free in order to fairly educate young ones. Really, teachers are actually groomed and indoctrinated to be politically correct.

MEN ONLY!! Can someone explain to me the comradrie over fidelity attitude among men...especially married men?

My husband has a new co-worker who was moved from another "department" and the reason for it was because he was fraternizing with the trainees which is strictly forbidden not to mention he's a married man. My husband explained that the reason he got caught was because a friend/co-worker "hacked" into his email and forwarded it to his superiors. He was subsequently demoted and moved. My husband seems to think that in matters involving infidelity that you should remain a friend and keep it to yourself because it is after all "their business". Or if morality is important to you then to pull that friend aside and urge him to stop. In my experience, a lot of men would see that too as some kind of betrayal and that person would just be one less to confide his dirt to. How can men accept this mentality of comradrie over fidelity? Is friendship that important that you should brush these things under the carpet? Furthermore, if this is the position that my husband takes on the matter, should I be worried about him and the company he keeps?

Would You Suggest Some New Elvis Presley Songs For Me To Listen To?

Listen to: The Edge of Reality, Long Black Limosene, Early Morning rain, Polk Salad Annie, Little Darling, Clean up your own backyard, Hurt, and the big sleeper song of all time...the rare 1977 LIVE...."Softly as I leave you"

I need some help in this finger tapping part on this guitar tablature, help please?

The song is the Trooper by Iron Maiden there is a part that there is 5 - 4 - 2 in the 4th string, but there is a curved line on top of the 5 to the 2 (it skips the 4). And there is also an inclined line (one of those lines that represent sliding) from the 4 to the 2. I believe this is called finger tapping slide or something. I don't understand how to do it, help please? (BE VERY SPECIFIC AND HAVE MANY DETAILS)

Why does everyone love Aj Allmendinger?

Everywhere I go, every NASCAR forum I read, everyone is talking about AJ Allmendinger. NASCAR fans are being stunningly fair to him compared to someone like Sam Hornish Jr. Sam has proved himself, won an Indy 500, and frankly has done much better in his one year in NASCAR than AJ did in his two. Last year he struggled to the point that Mike Skinner had to be put in the car to try to get the team on the right track. Two seasons ago he missed OVER half the races. He was driving for Red Bull racing, not a great team, but not terrible either. Brian Vickers was in chase contention for a long time and had a very good year. Maybe its time to give some other more pr oven drivers a little love, after all, Scott Speed has already been more successful in his stock car career, with 3 wins in ARCA and Camping World Trucks.

Problem with helicopter spawning in GTA 4, can anyone help?

Okay, When all 200 pigeons in liberty city have been killed, an annihilator spawns on top of a skyscr, and it can be reached through a window cleaning platform. If you have not killed all 200 pigeons, a maverick is supposed to spawn there instead. However, when I go to the helipad via the platform, the maverick simply will not spawn. It only spawns if i already have a helicopter, and fly over it, rendering it useless, as i already have a chopper. Does anyone know how to fix this or what i am doing wrong?

Are Republicans afraid?

You are not Jesus, you are a dork. If I were you I would be afraid, very afraid... The only think liberals with 0bama as their headmaster can get from US people is revolution and really soon. There is not going to be too many brainwashed pretty soon out there. People will wake up to the truth... Then you should be very afraid of that. After all Acorn on its last leg. Are you the employee of Acorn? Be afraid, you will be out of job soon.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You are now wearing scuba gear and swimming under water at the depth of are breathing air at 3.00at?

you are now wearing scuba gear and swimming under water at the depth of are breathing air at 3.00atmospheric and your lung volume is 10.0litre.your scuba gauge indicates that your air supply is low so,to conserve air,you make a terrible and fatal hold your breath while you surface.what happens to your lungs?why?

How do you tell grandparents when your son or daughter comes out?

My oldest child told me that she is a . I have no problem with it, and no problems with her going to dances or parties with her girlfriend, but my question is, when Grandma sees the pictures of the dance and wants to know why she never sees her granddaughter with a dashing young man... what do or how should I tell her. Should I have my daughter tell her, or just smile and say " I dunno"?

My me pls..malaysian?

Only bank Negara can black list you. Just check with them on your status. I believe you can open an account with another bank and carry on with life.

List ways where heat could lost and consequently not raise the temperature of the water?

This is by doing Heat of combustion with a 400ml beaker with candle, tin can with 150 ml of tap water, temperature probe and labpro data lagger.

Need help from someone with psychology background. I really think my friend is a sociopath and need to know.?

It is impossible to diagnose someone from a 3rd party observation of that person's behavior, particularly when that third party is involved in an emotional relationship with the person in question, however, you might want to check Borderline Personality Disorder. The clinginess followed by rejection, anger outbursts, need to be in every aspect of your life, unstable friendships (no frends to too many friends to breaking off friendships) - this is just my opinion here, but it sounds a lot more like a borderline.

Signed Olympic Water bottles?

I have 5 Mcdonald's Olympic 2010 watter bottles. 4 out of five of them are signed by the athlete on the bottle. I have a signed Bottle of -- Cindy Klen, Patrick Chan, Brad Martin, And i have the hockey bottle signed as well, but i am unsure of who's it is. a few people say it was Sidney Crosby, but i am unsure. We actually won them in a contest, and it is the real signatures. but would they be worth anything, at any time?

Why is legitimate mail sent to my Yahoo! address not arriving?

I have tried sending mail to my Yahoo! Mail account and it has not arrived - this is the same information that a friend sent to my Yahoo! Mail account, basically a party invitation. Has anyone else had the same problem? I am uming it is being labelled as spam and rejected. I'm concerned that a whole range of legitimate emails are not getting through and this undermines my confidence in the Yahoo! Mail product.

What is the christmas song remix that came out last winter?

in the begginning its santa claus saying ho ho ho and theres bells and then it turns in to a rap song or r&b song im not sure.

When should I cash my bonds?!?

I heard it was best to cash bonds at face value instead of waiting for its' 30 year maturity. I was told that the interest slows after face value and inflation can overtake the interest you're earning. Does anyone know if that's true or who I could consult to find out?

How long does it take to take my braces off?

you can probably bring your ipod. It will help you take your mind off the stuff the ortho people are doing. And it takes about 45 minutes- an 1 hour. It takes a lot less time coming off than they do going on.

Are scientologists really ....?

No. Regarding said religion. You know something has to be amiss when a religion has their own legal team.

Any Creative People Out There??? Product Naming?

Any Highly Creative People Out There? I have a product that is worn under a helmet (sports, motorcycle, etc) that will reduce hard contact concussions and traumatic brain injury in various helmeted sports. Anyone have a good name that is not literal because if it is literal it can not be trademarked.

I'm completely computer illiterate. How does one jailbreak an ipod?

Why would you even try to do this if you're computer illiterate? I don't suppose it matters that it voids your warranty and service plan just for a few free apps that you won't figure out how to use anyway. See other Q&A here and think again about proceeding.

What would be so bad with having collective ownership or employe ownership?

What would be so bad with having collective ownership or employe ownership of the means of production and not employer ownership ? There would be no bosses the employes would become their own bosses the employes would vote for their own employers why would that be bad what is wrong with Democratic Socialism ?

Rate/fix my yugioh deck?

This is the fairl standard build of Quickdraw Dandywarrior and should run quite well. I would playtest it like it is and adjust from there but I believe you won't have any problems that aren't inherent to all QDDW decks.

CentralWorld Thailand?

I was at Central World yesterday, yes it is open for the most part. The Zen store on the Rama 1 side of the road is closed, but you can still enter the mall from the sky walk. It seems to me most of the stores were open or a good part. I know the movie theaters were all open.

Did I have a breakdown of some sort.?

I think the terrible experiences you remembered just send back all those emotions you had during being on that job- its great that your feeling good now- remember- time heals almost everything-

Can my HP Pavilion dv2000 run Windows Vista Ultimate?

No. With only half a gig of memory it probably doesn't run XP very well either. You also have one of the earliest Core2Duo processors, but that will be ok if you quadruple the amount of memory that it has. However, don't bother with Vista, go straight for 7 if you intend to do this - it's more efficient and will run better.

Employment at Senry Insurance?

drug test and background test cost lots of money. Send them a thank you letter, and wait 2 weeks. You are in the right direction.

Fellow Steeler Fans...?

Over the past 3 weeks we have witnessed Nate Washington start coming into his own finally. He is a deep threat and is proving to be a more than capable slot receiver. With this said, we signed him to a 1 year contract and if he keeps this up he'll be about 8-10 tds or hopefully a lot more than that! I think we should definately sign him as well as McFadden. Both were on the brink of being cut this year and now have finally broken the mold. My question is basically what are your thoughts about all of this?

Why not have invaded Syria (instead of Iraq), were there reasons that they should have been attacked?

Hypothetically speaking were there any reasons, even remote ones, that it would have made sense to have invaded Syria?

Ladies I need your opinion?

Last year I went to see my OB because we wanted to try for a baby and I have irregular cycles. So he put me on Provera 5mg for 4 months. Well after I was done with it my doctor told me I wasn't ovulating on my own. So I decided to take a break for a while. In January on my own I got my period for 7 days it was a regular period from January 25-31. Does that mean I'm going to ovulate on my own? Another question me and the hubby have been BD since I got off my period so this week we took a break except for monday If I have ovulated is there still a chance that I could have conceived?

Why can Limbaugh prove the media wrong, and the media cant prove him wrong?

When you're as high on drugs as Rush is, it's hard for anyone to use logic to prove or disprove anything you ramble on about incoherently.

U.k. legislation... off work for a week but only being paid for 2 days!!! help.?

Talk to the CAB. Im not sure there is anything you can do as you dont actually have a contract with them. My understanding is that if work is shut because of the weather etc then you still get paid because you're not the one saying you cant come in.

Teen Car Insurance Question. Desperate for answers?

Unless your vehicle is financed and the finance company requires full coverage, all you legally need is the minimum for your state, which you didn't mention. However often times just getting minimum coverage is false economy, and just a very few dollars more will get you much better coverage. Sit down with your agent and discuss your coverage until you fully understand what you are getting, and why.

Hairstyle help!?!?

Why not try cutting a little length off(not short) but maybe to the bra strap and add some layers in it to give it some style? That way when you straighten it it won't be so long and yet it will still be log enough that when you don't want to do much with it you can still pull it up.

Aggghhhh need help...anyone who knows of julius caesar?

Nurture would be because the Julian family was losing lots of respect and was kind of stagnating in births, he sought fame for his family. But also he overthrew Rome because he thought it ought to return to the people, as the high cl and Senators were getting all the riches and giving nothing to the poor (and the soldiers).

Do reptiles ever stop growing? Some creationists claim reptiles lived hundred of years and grew into dinosaurs?

Snakes continue growing for as long as they live. So do fish. But they don't live "indefinitely". Saying that dinosaurs were overgrown lizards makes about as much sense as saying that a blue whale is just an overgrown dolphin.

How to change this in my own words.?

DESCRIPTION: Platinum is one of the densest and heaviest metals, highly malleable, soft and ductile. It is extremely resistant to oxidation and to corrosion of high temperatures or chemical elements as well as a very good conductor of electricity and a powerful catalyzing agent. Platinum is soluble only in aqua regia. This precious metal has silvery-white color and does not tarnish.

Economic term definition please?

Marginal benefit is the benefit you get from the last one of the goods you consumed (or bought, etc). Marginal benefit is generally umed to be decreasing, so the more you get, the less each new one pleases you. It is possible that this continues to the point where the last one consumed actually causes disutility (discomfort or pain), so the marginal benefit is negative. Consider food, it is possible to eat so much that more will cause you pain. Net positive marginal benefit means that the benefit obtained from the last good is not negative and is greater than zero (so some benefit is obtained).

What were your first symptoms before and after getting a BFN?

lol i think you mean a bfp (big fat positive) bfn (big fat negitive) the only symptoms i have ever had was a missed period and very hungry soreness never kicked in untill 8 weeks and the heartburn happens when the uterus is large and pushing its not an early sign of pregnancy

[ '.'] So I've been thinking lately: Can we know anything with absolute certainty?

We know things through recognition of name and form, logic is useful only to a specific point. The ideas however, which these "points" illuminate for us, revolve around our minds, which is the thing we can know with absolute certainty.

Ftm packing and harness?

Ok, so I'm 16 and new to packing. I want to see if it feels right because lately I have been having a lot of dysphoria. I made the gel and condom packer but I don't know how to keep it from falling out of my boxer briefs. Is there a way to make a harness (can't really buy one)? Also any other ideas for making packers that are a little more durable?

Monday, August 15, 2011

How is marijuana formed?

What is the chemistry involved in the production of marijuana? I need a chemical word and balanced equation to show the main reaction(s) involved, such as synthesis, decomposition, single/double displacement, and combustion.

If elvis presley and his twin brother had lived, what do you think would happen?

please answer this, with what you think would happen if Jess Garon and Elvis Aron had lived, and what they would talk about, who would ne their entourage

Are all new computers going to PCI-E for video cards?

Looking for a new motherboard, and they all seem to have a PCI-Express slot for the video card instead of an AGP slot. Is AGP an old/dead technology?

How can fatten up my picky Chi?

My Chihuahua is 3 years old and just had her first litter on the 19th of April. I had to take her to the vet today because I was getting very worried about how skinny she is getting. Also, for the last 2 days her pups are not gaining the weight they should be. The vet said that she is definately under weight and that because of that, her pups are not getting enough milk. I told her that because my Chi has a very severe underbite, she has a very hard time eating dry dog food. I have always given her wet food. The vet gave me some suggestions on what to feed her but after a whole day of shopping, I can't find anything in a wet food. Does anyone know of a high quality PUPPY FOOD that is wet? Or any other ideas on what I can give her that will be good for the pups too? Thanks so much everyone!

Why do YOU love christmas!!!?

I always ask my family to make something for the dinner and the tree. The kids seem to enjoy making ornaments each year and seeing them hung on the tree or around the house as they grow. I try to keep the commercialization out of it and focus on the family and neighbors coming together. Doesn't always work, but I try.

Which of the following are true statements for the above mechanism ?

I believe the corrent answer is c. After adding the mechanism together Cl(g) does not appear in the overall reaction.

I now note that Richard Holbrooke died after obama said he prayed for him. Does that give you the Willies?

Does it "Give you the Willies" to know that Obama denies the claims that he is in fact a Muslim, yet as a fourth grader, he attended a madrasah in Indonesia, a school where students were taught the different aspects and ways of Islam. This school was also in the center of a Muslim community

Please, Which USB adapter works WELL with Vista -64 bit as of September 2009?

Hi all im sure many have asked this question but they all seem to be a little out of date..well i just got a new XPS 630 PC in August 23rd..and its running on Vista-64 this is the first time i've ever used it so my problem was orignally i had netgear router G..and a WPN111 first i had no internet..we fixed the router internet ..then a day later the WPN111 started to give out and drops signal constantly, i went through so many calls between netgear and dell..Dell claims its netgears fault..netgear claims its dell's fault my internet is not i did research heard that the linksys Wireless-N USB network adapter with dual-bran works well so i got the well if your sitting right next to your 10 feet away it will drop signal constantly its the router G is on the first floor and im on the second floor..i thought maybe it was the range ..and stuff..cause the linksys worked but lost constantly i bought the Wireless-N Gigabit Router model: WRT310N works amazing has great range but yet my linksys adapter still looses connection it looses it less then when i had the G router but it looses it every 60 seconds-15 minutes and its reallly annoying..please somebody who has an adapter..working with Vista 64-bit..please tell me the brand name and modelll! im willing to pay anything under $200 i figure most go for like 60-100 anyways...well if you have read all this thank you and thank you for any advice you may have for me

I need help with writing an 8 line poem!!?

You should write about interests or someone who something. say you do a dog, you could try to write the sound they greet you with and write, runs like the wind, or you like basketball, for the sound you could do the boom of the basketball on the floor and the rush you get, what ever relates to you, just write about your feelings about it and how it influences you!

Is there a remake of the movie using real actors and not animated?

I remember a movie where there are 2 kids and their mom is a tze artist, and there is some goblin friend of theirs named limerick or maverick.



I'm A Man or Hoochie Man?

Which song was made first, and which had the original riff. Did Willie Dixon just write the words to it then Bo Diddley made the riff, or did Willie write the riff as well. Everybody still knows Muddy Water's Mannish Boy cover came after both of them.

Is this enough to get me toned?

It would help more if you threw in some weight lifting somewhere in your schedule. Anywhere from 20-40 min. would be adequate.

What hip-hop/r&b song is this?

It came out many years ago and it is killing me that I can't remember it. It was a little depressing at some parts of the verses. I remember one line was how the woman was sleeping with men just to make money for her kids. I was at first thinking Lyfe Jennings, but I don't think it is. Please if anyone has an idea, SPEAK!!! Thank you.

My mother has been sick for 2 weeks with swine and pneumonia. Im afraid she wont get better What can I/she do?

My sister was confirmed today at the doctors with swine flu. 3 weeks ago my entire family was having similar symptoms. But no positive test. they told me the test wasnt that accurate so I still think we all came down with swine flu. We had every symptom mainly upper respiratory. My question is, Im very afraid my mother isnt going to get better. Shes been very sick for 2 weeks straight and now has pneumonia. Shes had a fever for about a week. The only thing the doctor said for her to do is breathing treatments which isnt helping much. Her airway is still very constricted. Please someone help me. Even she thinks she is dieing. What can we do to prevent death ??Also I have a 2 month old that lives with us. Should I worry about her getting this? So far she seems okay.. A little congested though sometimes..When I use the nasal bulb i get a little mucus but otherwise she seems ok. My main concern is for my mother.

Do you have a good recipe for Ox Tail Stew?

Try this one: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Ok my general journal balances for the months of Sept, Oct and Nov. It also Balances for the month of Dec. ?

However when I put them over into the general ledger I come up with two different numbers. Is the general ledger supposed to balance as well?

Question about Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon?

At the end of the movie the girls asks Lo to make a wish. He wishes for the both of them to be together. She then promptly jumps into the abyss and floats away. I don't consider myself to be a dull blade, but was this just a suicide. or does it have a more symbolic meaning? I really don't know how to interpret it.

My betta fish isn't eating?

I just got my betta fish a few days ago. I feed him 3 little pebble things of food each day, but he won't eat them. Even if he goes to the top of his tank, he still won't eat his food. I don't want him to die. ]: Does anyone know why he isn't eating? Or how I can get him to eat? -THANKS(:

Any entertaining movies which are fun to watch?

Im bored so im just looking for a movie which is like action adventure like the pacifier, mr and mrs smith, daddy day camp, american pie, bourne ultimatum, district b 13, shoot em up. and movies like that ive seen most but i hope theres more that i havent heard of.

Pardon me, my dear President?

Ok. Which president had the most pardons after 2 terms? 4? And which had the least(who did NOT die before his term(s) were over)?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Help rephrasing themes?

Faith and religion is very important, the struggle for human dignity is a daily thing, the outrage of unjust punishment could never be stoped.

Who liked Narnia (Prince Caspian)?

I know that this one didn't really follow the books, in some places...but I still thought it was pretty good! What do u guys think???

When you pop shove it do you ollie to?

When you pop shove it are u supposed to Ollie first or can you just pop the back side and land it (this might be why i only land it with the back foot)

What can we do to keep the prior owners of our house from coming around to reminisce?

We recently moved into our dream home in New Jersey and have been living here for about 7 months now. The home was sold to us by an elderly woman whos husband ped away the year before and who also lived with her 30-something daughter and young granddaughter. The seller was very attached to the house, having lived there for 40 plus years, and said that she had to sell due to the high cost of living and maintaining the house all on her own. My wife and I felt sorry for her, but at the same time were eager to close and begin our lives in our first home. It appears that the prior owners have been returning to the neighborhood, sighted by my wife sitting in their car across the street from the house for as long as half an hour, not causing any harm, but just sitting their watching the house. We had reports from our neighbors of the daughter coming by to look through the windows of our home when we were out. This behavior disturbs us both and would like it to end. What can be done?

How to let this boy know i fancy him without telling him?

Ok so I fancy this boy in my year but I dont really speak to him but he s in my french cl. how do i let him know i like him but i dont want to tell him. And how can I tell if he likes me back? plz hlp xx

Why are Conservative Republicans the biggest consumers of online ?

All states are purple, so it impossible to tell if the people who are watching in a 'red' state are actually red or blue. There is probably not an ideology/party box to check when you sign on to such a site.

Overclocking CPU Question ?

you should be able to overclock your cpu at least a plus 1Ghz so a reasonable 3.5 but i won't tell you here because im not an expert. just go to overclocking forums and the people there would help you...

Adelaide Crows: Top 4 contenders?

They are a chance, but I think that the Roos have a better chance of snatching fourth spot if the Swans happen to lose.

People Shrieking About 850 billion for Health Care reform, Completely Silent on 628 billion for military?

The Military is in the Constitution, we are expected to pay for it. This health care crap is just another slave building entitlement program. Where is YOUR outcry for America.

Baby names I have 7 months to decide :)?

Ariana is cute and Da'Von. These names are just adorable! Also, I've a feeling that you might like Andrea or Vanessa for a girl, and Cayden and Nathan for a boy.

Which processor should i get?

ntel Core 2 Duo E8400 Processor BX80570E8400 - 3.0GHz, 6MB Cache, 1333MHz FSB, Wolfdale, Dual-Core, Retail, Socket 775, Processor with Fan or Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 OEM Processor w/ Ultra X-Wind CPU Cooler Bundle for flight simulator x

Recommended ballet and modern schools is New York City?

I am looking for recommended ballet and modern dance schools in NEW YORK CITY. I am looking for school other than Martha Grahm and Alvin Ailey.

Am I considered a Bandwagoner just because I started watching hockey 3 years ago and my team is the Pens?

I started watching hockey back in early 2008 and have grown to love the sport. My favorite behind Football. Now my team is the Penguins. And I know what your thinking, oh just another idiot who is a bandwagoner and loves the "whiner" Crosby. I'm originally from Pittsburgh and a die hard Steelers fan and also a fan of the Pirates. I did not follow 10 yrs ago but now I can consider myself a huge fan of the Pens. Now just because the Pens are successful and have the best player in hockey. I am considered a Bandwagoner?

I would like to make a beaded purse for my niece's wedding. I need a pattern.?

I am new to beading but I make jewelry and I also crochet. I offered to make a crocheted lace bag with beads...but she would rather have a beaded bag (i.e. more beads than lace).

1989 GMC Vandura: starts fine from cold, fine from normal running temp, won't start when cooled down a little.?

I have a 1989 GMC Vandura which starts just fine from a cold engine. If the engine is warmed up to normal operating temperature, it will likewise start just fine. However, if I let the engine get to normal running temperature and then turn it off and leave it for, say, half an hour, it'll be very, very hard to start. When it does finally catch and start up, the idle speed will fluctuate quite a lot for 30 seconds to a minute or so. Where should I start my investigation?

Is another terrorist attack on US soil before 2008 the GOPs only hope at regaining the White House?

9/11 made Bush's re election a slam dunk in 2004 might another major event like that sweep Rudy or McCain right into the White House in 2009?

If sand can cause impaction in pet leopard geckos then how do they cope in the wild?

because people say u shudnt use sand for leopard geckos cos wen thy catch a cricket or sumthin thy can accidently ingest sum sand and it can clog up thr stomach and kill thm. but in the wild they live on sand so do they all gt impaction in the wild?

I want to buy ugg boots (look at description)?

i want ugg boots, my birthday is coming up in about 2 months, and i want to save up to buy them. I want them to be around lower then 100$. i saw the clic ones for about 90$,, but that is still just a little bit too much. Is there any place where they sell them at a low price? if you answer, thanks, tell me: the price and the store, if you can, then give me a link, thanks :)

Why some designers in the western countries play with the religious sentiments of other faiths?

Not other faiths, but only Hindu's faith because they know Hindus are peaceloving people and will not do violence. They don't have courage to do same with Muslim, Christians Gods. They know there will be worldwide violence. Remember Danish cartoon on Prophet.

Chivas looking to hire Hugo Sanchez to...?

I dount Hugo will want to do it because he would want to be the Coach not just the coach of Delanteros. Plus you also have Vergara. I mean Hugo is not the kind of coach to put up with BS. So i see it reall hard for Chivas to get Hugo. But shet Chivas should just Hire Hugo and Fire Real. TBH Real has no tactics as soon as he scores he puts the whole team back knowing he has fast players to keep going at the goals.

What do you think "Bloop" might actually be?

It has to come from an animal (e.g. a whale) or a geological source from beneath the earth...I think Mr. Fox is wrong and could be confused about the source of the sound.

MS Excel 2003 - How can I sum up all entries of the same items automatically, when the entries are widespread?

in one cell just type: "=sum" then highlight all those cell you want to sum up.Then press enter.

Is there a predominant theory as to why the separate es developed?

I'm not specifically aware of any theories on the subject, but is there one theory above the others (that presumably exist) as to why the separation of the es came about in basic organisms and so on through the evolutionary hierarchy? Why was it necessary for organisms to mate in the first place, I suppose is the question?

Is it possible to fix chicken stew in the crock-pot?

My husband doesn't eat vegetables, so all I can put in the chicken stew is the chicken, milk, er, salt and pepper. Does anyone have a simple crock-pot recipe with just those ingredients?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Has the U.S. military groomed TV ysts as the NYT says?

The NY Times has been losing readership since they began playing "society-rebuilder" better than ten tears ago. It stands to reason that their left-wing bias is right in line with the majority of group-think media in the U.S. today. They each want to turn society into their beloved socialist model. Personally, I've yet to see any media outlet besides FOX report on anything beyond daily death counts of our troops and "how poorly things are going". Military members I have heard (both on rare radio feeds and in person) tell another story. Once again, the NYT is blowing smoke up their backsides!

I have a fairly old Advent laptop but i can't tell if ti's charged or not! Can you help me?

I have a Advent laptop which isn't old but it's not new and i need to no if it's charged or not! And yes i have checked the bottom bar. If you don't know this can you tell me how long the batterie would last!

My family.. but what do i do?? please help!!?

Ok wow. Your parents are WAY too strict! Grounding you for kissing a boy at your age is ridiculous! Talk to your mom about how you feel. She should understand. If she doesn't, move in with your dad.

How can I transfer my rental properties to my LLC?

I have a few rental properties in new york can anyone give me any information, details on how to transfer them to my llc or give me any recommendations. Thanks

Where could I find a Romantic Restaraunt in Oakland County-Metro Detroit are to propose to my girlfriend at?


Fantasy Week 11: Lance Moore or Donnie Avery?

I'm not sure who to play. I'm also not sure what RB's to play. i have earnest graham, meweldy moore, willis mcgahee, and reggie bush. reggie bush was projected for a big week back so i was going to play him and mcgahee considering mcgahee did so well last week. With bush not playing and the steelers with Parker coming back i'm unsure their. Tampa Bay has cadillac williams coming back so i'm in a pickle. who's got some wisdom to send my way?

Sorry so long..Need dating help!?

from my experience with men and relationships, if someone really wants to be with you, he will be. so don't worry... if he really wants you, eventually you'll have him. good girl for taking a stand up against your abusive ex and leaving him. more women should have your strength. and if it doesn't work out with this guy, there will be another just round the corner. see what happens at the party, maybe talk to him and show him you are starting a new page in your life and it isnt that complicated after all

Should I offer Carpenter for Teixeira?

your pitching is good, but tex is overrated, id go for someone better, but id also look for a 3b which looks to be your weakest position. id look to trade for reynlods, or package carpenter and vlad or beltran for longoria.

Ever heard The Story?

You shouldnt try to scare people into believing things if you ask me your the evil ones. If you dont do what god wants he will throw you into a lake of fire for ever and ever,but he loves you. what a joke

Will dmv license center in derby, ct. be opened on Good Friday?

How in the heck should I know. I live in Nevada. Here's a thought... Why not pick up a telephone and ask them!

Did you hear about Jamie Grubbs and Tiger? Woo-hoo check it out.....?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What songs(other than mandy) does kevin jonas have a SOLO in?

he has a great voice if no one has why doesnt he get to sing more often??? please post links if you can....but i really just wanna know the songs he sings solos in...please and thank yous!!!! I <3 K.J.

Advice needed: I think my sister is having with our new stepbrother?

I'm a 19 year old girl and since my 16 year old sister's room is next to mine I've been recently hearing noises from her room at night I can hear through the wall. I thought she was just masturbating, but when I walk by her room the next morning, I noticed our new stepbrother who just turned 14 this week is sleeping in bed with her and they are snuggled up together. He's wearing boxers and my sister wears a nightshirt to bed so they weren't naked or anything but it just seems really suspicious to me. Do you think my new stepbrother's curiosity & my sister's boy-crazy hormones are a bad combination and those two might be up to something, or could this all just be innocent?

Do Iceland do frozen kangaroo , because my gentleman friend Cecil wants a plate full?

He has been watching that get me out of here program on the telly and seen that girl with the big turnips sampling bush tucker and thought they looked nice.

Can you use a pci-e x16 or a pci-e 2.0 in a regular pci slot?

I have only 5 pci slots and an agp card slot with a really crappy card in it. And didn't know if you could use a pci express x16 or a pci express 2.0 in a regular pci slot.

Funny- husband may get hired to work producing implants- advice? (i must be...)?

Take a deep breath. He is making implants not playing with for a living. You state your cup size like you can be summed up by a bra size. You are much more than that. Yes men talk about these things just like women do. With my friends there is not a subject that we have found to be off limits. You can talk to him about this and you must. You have to be honest and you have to tell him how you feel. I would not worry about telling your family and friends a certain way. Just say he got a job working (whatever it is) doing whatever he will be doing. No big deal. Do not feel insecure over this, it is just silicone. You should talk to someone when you feel like this. Your friends should understand when you need to talk and want to vent. If you do not share these things they might not either. This is one of the reasons that you have friends.


hello i have overclocked my q6600 to 3.7ghz and in the bios the multiplier is set to 9x(locked multiplier) and i set the fsb to 1648 then i went to vcore and set it to 1.4v is that how i overclock. There were many other settings there for voltages but i didnt touch those all i adjusted was the vcore setting which i set to 1.4v here is a screenshot to confirm¤t=untitled.jpg thanks for your help and remember i will give 10 points for the best answer cheers

So did Chris Paul overtake Mcgrady in total All-Star votes?

when mcgrady got injured no Mcgrady no All-star game because it is obvious why would you want a guy that people forgot and hasn't been playing Cp3 is an MVP candidate and a better player overall

Batman!?!?! Did Christian Bale get fired?

My om told me that Christian Bale was not going to be in the Batman sequal anymore!!! I thought he has been one of the coolest batman's yet!!! Is this true? and who do you think will play him if he was. Also who do you think will replace Heath Ledger as the Joker?

Would have Mr. Obama offered diplomacy to Hitler?

It seems to me if he will sit next to Chavez and the Castro's and offer Admenijad of Iran a hand after threatening to wipe Israel off the map maybe he would give them Poland!

1997 Yamaha GP1200 Waverunner Vibrations?

I have a 1997 Yamaha GP1200 Waverunner. It runs fine but it vibrates a lot. It also has a rought idle speed. I am just wondering of this is normal or if there are some adjustments I can make to make it smoother. I have a 1996 Yamaha Blaster 2 760 that runs just fine on has a nice smooth idle speed.

Are you tired of celebrity voice work in animation?

Considering that the person does not appear on screen, the only benefit from using a star to voice an animated character is being able to use the star's name to advertise the movie. Stars can bring publicity by appearing on talk shows and granting interviews to magazines and newspapers. Essentially, it seems like a marketing ploy.

Please, please help - small pox?

my temperature is 103! i have all these red itchy spots all over my frickin body... i know it's not chicken pox bexause i'm 15 and i've had it before. i can't breathe and about two hours ago i ped out in the bathroom floor. my parents are on vacation and i can't drive. i'm shaking and crying as i type this. i looked at the smallpox simptoms online and i have all of them. i also have all the simptoms for swine flu and nemonia - i'm so worried that i have all of them. i also have all these scars all over my face and i've been throughing up all day and i have diarrhoea. there's some blood when i cough and i have the chills... on top of ALL that i fell a while ago and i think i could have braken my ankle so i'm in bed right now. please, im so scared. my parents were worried about leaving me alone at home for the first time and i cant call them and let them know whats happening! i'm cryin so hard... please help. anything???

Calculate pressure of PCl5 after system has reached equilibrium?

At 250degrees celsius, the equilibrium constant kp for the reaction PCl5(g) <--> PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) is 1.8. Sufficient PCl5 is put into a reaction vessel to give an initial pressure of 4.00 atm at 250degrees celsius. Calculate the pressure of PCl5 after the system has reached equilibrium.

What happen to Hilary Duff these days?

She use to be on tv and then movies then ..i have not heard of her in years? what happen to her? Dont kids look up to her anymore like in the tv series days? I heard she is getting chubby yaaaaya

Where the heck can I Download music for Mac? Limewire doesnt have any new house music and I cant find Ares for?

Its mainly for HOUSE MUSIC. I love downloading new tracks from beatport and Ares doesn't have any!!! thanks for the help

What did OJ Simpson do?

Took an orange and smashed it up, took the remaining liquid and invented orange juice. Oh yeah, there was also this little thing about him stabbing his wife and her boyfriend to death too. (minor detal)

Is nicole richie pregnant?

If she is i'd be very worrid. With her been that thin is so dangerous to herself, never mind a baby!!! Actually im amazed she managed it. (if she is pregnant that is.)

How can I find specific articles on a certain topic online?

I have to do a report on The Scarlet Letter and i have to find newspaper/ magazine articles about the themes. Im not asking u to do my hw i just need some help finding the articles.

When was the last time you thought about giving up on something you have always wanted?

I have always wanted to be a succesful Musician but I feel like I'm to old and My time has Ped.The last band I was in we had a great sound but I just didn't take it serious. I was too busy trying to live like a rock star instead of trying to be one.I would really like some opinons on my song lyrics illuminated on my 360 blog page.if you do check it out don't read the other two they suck.Seriously.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How can I tell what kind of video card slot I have?

I'm looking to upgrade my computer a little bit and would like to know what kind of Graphics card to buy, I had recently purchased a ATI Radeon X 1600 Pro Saphire, its an AGP and doesnt seem to work on my computer, I would like to know how to check what kind mine is and a recommended graphics card for Higher end gaming that isnt extremely expensive

Who should I start this week ?

Palmer is playing a tough Tenn Titan secondary. After week one's performance, I'd bench him. Delhomme should have a decent game. Not top 10 QB game, but better than Palmer.

If (2) two shock waves met each other at a shearing angle, would the shearing wave deflect the linear wave?

taking the same explosives, placing one in a position where it would for conversation sake be near the ground (12 inches) and pointed up and out a 45% angle. The opposing wave would be coming at an open atmospheric or direct onset. Would the angled wave up and out, disrupt the straight line wave?

Why does after each water change one guppy die?

I have a medium-size aquarium and there are about 24 guppies in there (I got my guppies about 6 weeks ago). Every time I do a partial water change (I take about one quarter of the water out and put fresh water in) one guppy dies, usually within two days. In the last 5 weeks 5 guppies have died. I do water changes once a week. Whenever I do a water change, I mix Tetra Aqua Safe and Aqua Balance into the fresh water because I heard that this is necessary to make the water safe. I mix about half a spoonful of each in the fresh water. I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

Ugg question anyone can help...?

Why do people think they kill the whole sheep for uggs? Don't the know they just shave the furr of the sheep. Lol

Can my laptop handle a 1066 FSB Processor?

in short answer you'll need to go to search for your computer and find the hardware specifications. you'll need the socket type of the motherboard, what processors it supports, and the max voltage of processor it can support.

Is Obama to arrogant to be President?

I agree completely. Only his name is not Muhammad Ali (who COULD convince the entire world of those things...and why he [Ali] was nicknamed Black Superman)

Un consejo de hombres Aries?

Hace 2 meses termin� con mi novio (aries).. y la semana pasada llamo a pedirme un favor... yo le dije que no (vale la pena aclararles que era algo que requer�a mucho de mi).. sin embargo logr� organizarlo todo y puedo hacerlo.. lo llame y no contesto.. le deje el mensaje y ahora no quiere ni verme... Ahhhhh??? no quiero quedar asi con �l.. las cosas se acabaron pero igual ser�a horrible encontrarmelo y ni siquiera mirarnos... Es injusta su actitud.. pero es algo inmaduro(jajjajaja) he pensado enviarle un detalle como ofrenda de algo q le gusta mucho con una carta explicandole por qu� le dije que no... Ustedes que me aconsejan... no hago nada?.. le envio el detalle solo con una nota diciendo PAZ!!.. o con la carta??? Gracias....

Why did the "powers to be" (Obama) put off investigating ACORN? Is it above his pay grade?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you plan on purchasing Raymond Ibrahim's The Al-Qaeda Reader this weekend?

No, who cares what they believe? They are well educated, rich men who hide in caves and in burkas behind women and they strap bombs to the ignorant, the poor and to children to extend their own power and influence all in the name of God. That's enough justification to hunt them down and kill them. Any honorable man regardless of his religion would know that.

What do you think Newcastle's chances are of staying in the league?

its gonna be tough for you but i really hope you stay as i love the die hard fans you have up north.i think if you look at it this way,there are three weaker teams then newcastle that should go down but with blackpool winning today in that manner its gonna be harder than hard.but if i said to you guys up north "you will stay up with 38pts and stay up on goal difference"you would take that right now.good luck guys.

1990 bronco, eddie bauer fix it manual?

non for free unless your local library has one. door locks can be a switch or fuse of solenoids. Need to test circuit voltage at various points to isolate which.

If I traded away Carlos Delgado and Dontrelle Willis for Roy Oswalt, would you consider that an upgrade?

Do it quickly, since Delgado's health problem will become a bigger focus over the next few weeks. I anticipate he will open the season on the DL or in very limited duty....Oswalt is a solid starter and Willis remains a question mark; his problems may be more than that base-running injury that tweaked his delivery.

Pats @ Broncos predictions?

Both teams answered questions this weekend, now they square off. Many thought the Broncos D was a fluke, but look at how they played against one of the top offenses in the league. Pats offense seems to be getting their timing back, and the Pats defense has been strong. Minus 2 TD's this season when the defense wasn't on the field the pats defense has held teams to 14.25 points per game. Even with those two turnovers their still allowing only 17 points per game. Denver's offense isn't too good - what is your prediction of this game?

My 19 month old wont sleep on his own!?

From 8 weeks my lo slept through the night going on at 7pm through to 7am, I have to admit I was probably a bit smug! That has now come to bite me on the backside, we went on holiday last months ago for a couple of weeks and had to sleep in the same hotel room. Ever since we have been back he will not go to sleep without me so I slept in the spare bed with him until he calmed down first few nights now it wont stop, he wont even go for a nap and when he realises I have gone into my own bed he wakes up screaming and comes into my bed with me and my husband. I cant cope with it, I am pregnant with my second and need to resolve it before he/she arrives. he wont let my husband pick him up or even go into his room when he is crying he only wants me. I went out last night with my sister to the cinema and my husband stayed in sure enough h woke up and went nuts not allowing him to pick him up and went in every room looking for me, my husband called and i had to come rushing home, luckily only 5 mins away! I cant never go out again or spend any alone time with my husband, was thinking of CIO but let me know any thoughts please!!

Which one is grammatical: "A copy of the doents is enclosed" or "A copy of the doents are enclosed"?

"Copies or the doents are enclosed" .. "Doents" is a plural and so the "copies" should also be plural.

Anyone that would like to teach me korean? If requested, I'll teach you english.?

Anyong~ I'm Faith. 믇음. I'm a Full Korean female teenager.I wanted to spend my time learning korean, my native language that i lost. When i came to the US i spoke good Korean at the age of 4. But when i went to an american school i gradually lost it. I now know only a few words, write/read only a few vowels and most consonants. If you would like my screen name for yahoo IM/ AIM. please post yours with your answer. If you want, I'll teach you english if you dont already. I know most of my culture and the growing trends already in Korea, so all i really need to know is reading/writing. Perhaps we could be friends :D

Belive my ex..or bff?

well i jus moved to my a new school last year and i became friends with this girl( lets call her um...Amy).so amy says she has a boyfriend (lets call him felix ) she has always been talking about him and wats so ever and the live in the same area, so she always sees birthday we all sat there,amy ,me, and 2 others prank calling boys we know....amy told me to prank call felix..(i never met him b4) ...after a week...a strange number called me...i answered and turns out its felix ...he saved my number when i called him last time...and started asking me questions lik were u from..and did amy ask me to prank call him....i told him the truth...since a week already ped by..after that he called me every night and all...i told amy that her bf is flirting wit me...but when she asked him ...he denied it and said that I was flirting with HIM...0_0 i wouldnt pick up his calls to make things less got worse...he told me that amy is the one that likes him ..he is just her friend..and amy says that felx is the 1 that lies her tthey r hust friend...any way after 2 mothns felix and i were toghether....and broke up after a year...and i still like him...and i no he likes me...but amy says they r BACK TOGHETHER...ANDfelix says THEY NEVER!!! WERE TOGHETER AND NEVER WILL BE......but amy tells me that he kisses her and the thing is he playing on both of us ...or is amy making things up just so we wont go back togheteher ,,,,?

What were the primary shifts in society from the Middle Ages into the renaissance and enlightenment periods?

What were the primary shifts in society from the Middle Ages into the renaissance and enlightenment periods?

I have a question regarding my studio apartment?

How do I de clutter a studio apartment? My husband and I recently moved into a studio apartment to save money and that was a good thing, but we have piles of paper and things on our table where we eat and picture frames on the floor and books and photo albums as well, in addition we did a tiny bit of decorating for Christmas as well, we put up a very tiny glitter tree and Nativity and on our shelf we put a couple of ornaments. Have any of you lived in a studio and what did you do to de- clutter and make everything more organized? Thank you in advance for your answers.

Am i good enough too get sponsored?

i can kickflip,heelflip,pop shuvit,fs pop shuvit,fakie bigspin,ollie,fs 180 ollie,bs 180 ollie,swich ollie,swich kickflip,swich pop shuvit,nollie,nollie shuv it,nollie fs popshuvit,nollie kickflip,fakie ollie,fakie heelflip,fakie kickflip,varial kickflip,fakie varial kickflip,fakie fs pop shuvit,fakie pop shuvit,fakie 360 shuvit,fs halfcab,bs halfcab,bs flip half cab flip,boneless,180 boneless,caveman, 50-50 grind,and 5-0 grind im 11 and im regular am i good enough too get sponsored?

Why do some say that if I dont believe a crucified rabbi is a deity, the father deity will torture me forever?

Not only that but the crucified deity and the father deity are the same god, even though the human prays to the father in heaven while living on earth.

Could you help me understand this Queen Margaret monologue?

you've got to remember that margaret wears the pants but Shakespeare is using her speech to update the audience of the historical context and to progress the action of the play forward. margaret is generally sarcastic and biting in her speeches and it is her downfall that she is sharp tongued. not something admired in women but perhaps a dig at shakespeare's own dominant mother and wife

Big bear mountain , mammoth and mt high?

If you want to just go to the snow Mammoth Is your best bet. It is divided into 3 lodges with the town nearest to canyon lodge. I go there about 5 times each snow board season and one week trip each year. There is a medium size town there and many shops and cafes. there is an EXTREMELY easy and small bunny slope at Canyon lodge if you do decide to ski/snowboard once. There are also cross country skiing, snowcat tours, hot springs, maybe some fishing depending on the weather and many small sleddins around. Mammoth will probably be the best place to go with big bear being very ski/snowboard oriented and mountian high very small.

Causes of amenorrhea?

I my period is late. I know I'm not pregnant. At my last Doctors appt. the nurse said I was a little underweight. 112 lbs and 5'6'', meaning my bmi is 18.1. Is that enough to cause amennorhea? I'm not exercising heavily, or at all really. I'm only 20 years old, so it's not menopause or anything. Do you think it's my weight or something else?

Are we ready to give back the south west to Mexico?

I'm liberal and the only flag i will live under is the American one. And no they will not have the southwest back. The Americans won it and the Mexicans were generously compensated.

Buying yet another mp3 player, which one should I get? or portable dvd player?

My first media device was the Ipod Video. I have it completely filled, and decided to get a PSP last christmas, That however is completely filled even though I had 3 gb on it. Then after a couple months of buying that I bought a Zune. I only have about 12 GB left, but it's the best media player I've owned out of these. I have money saved up for another one, but what other companys are left? or should I just get a portable dvd player?

Do you agree: Ron Paul ran the best campaign?

He ran a clean campaign. No dirty tricks or bashing the other canaidates. Yes he was a breath of fresh air.

Would Judge Judy Sheindlin be a good candidate for Supreme Court Justice?

No, I know it is a show and she has to make it entertaining to some degree, but, she is rude and as far as she is concerned she is always right. She calls people morons, idiots etc. I think that they should stop making these ridiculous so-called reality shows. They make our courts look ridiculous

What would Ms.Martha and Donald Trump say the st and easiest home based business are to start? ?

and how would they go about starting a top ten home based business in ones home in todays world with not much captital to start one? in these rough times.and what tips and information could they say to all that would be quite useful so no one goes belly up?? what business would they start in today tough world? all advice would be greatly helpful Ms.Martha Stewart and Mr.Donald Trumps..all advice would be greatly apprecated.thank you so kindly.


I met a guy online and we chatted for about 8months until he flew across the ocean to see me. We spent 11 days together and he made feel like a princess while he was with me and spent a lot of money on me. I snooped on hia phone as i was anxious about wat he really was and found he had 2 kids not one and several other qu is y wld he come all the way. Spend so much then go back and never make contact.

Another Joke,,,hahaha or boo!!!??? Star for hahaha pls + are they good enough for my co-workers?

I have been married to the same, sometimes wonderful man for nearly 27 years and we have said a few things like that to one another. LOL

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do you think ual abuse only happens in the Catholic Church?

You are so right about people thinking that it only happens in the Catholic Church. For it is all over in every aspect to the human area. Not just the Catholic Church, and even more, but they want us who have nothing to do with it to pack it up and leave our church. Trying to make us think it is only in our church. It is an attack on this faith and it will stand and they cannot change my mind on it being the One True Church of Jesus Christ, who BTW started it at the Last Supper. For we wouldn't be attacked so viciously if it were not so. The old boy is really trying hard to destroy us, but he won't succeed for Jesus will triumph in the end. No matter what we have to go through. God bless you.

Whats the story with Noel and I? Is it possible to get him back? Pay good attention to my story please.?

why do you talk about this stuff? these experiences should be internalized. I can't imagine anyone telling you anything of any value here. Maybe some people will tell you something they think you want to hear. But what will happen WILL happen. There's nothing you can do about it.

My finches drop dead?

I had 10 finches and about once a month I find one dead. I now have 5. Anyone know what may be happening?

Are the stories of the tortoise and the hare, and the goose that laid the golden eggs, less true or valid...?

..Just because you know that tortoises and hares really don't arrange foot races, or that the dietary mineral intake of geese is insufficient to produce gold eggs?

Did my fish lay eggs?

The other day i went to feed my fish and found 5 orange things floating at the bottom of my tank. they are orange in the center and have white goey stuff around it. i was wondering if they could be fish eggs. i only have 2 fish one neon tetra and one stick catfish. the tetra is the same size as the eggs so i don't think that it could have layed them. If they are eggs is there still a chance that they could hatch? is there anything that i need to do to make shure they do?

What does "crock it"mean?

I'm reading a book on houseplants and I quote" choose a small claypot and crock it". Then it says to add soil. I've never heard this used as a verb before and I'm mad at this author for expecting us to know what it means , it seems archaic. The dictionaries say it means a clay pot or as a verb release color when rubbed, of badly dyed fabric, or to set up on a low stool.

Was William Wilberforce a Quaker?

No, Wilberforce was not a Quaker, he was an Evangelical Christian, and member of the Church of England. At the time of the battle against slavery Wilberforce also was involved with reformation issues. He appears to have been more concerned with Humanitarianism, and believed the influence of the church was necessary to achieve this end. That was a view he shared with Quakers like those pesky Americans.

Ovulated on 6th and 7th, AF is late 4 days..Too early to test?

I ovulated on the 6 and 7th of December. I had unprotected on the 7th of December. My AF was Due on the 16th of December and I am now 4 days late. I am approx. 14 DPO. Would it be too early to test to see if I was pregnant?? I have been having some subtle signs of pregnancy but I am not sure if it could be something else. I feel crampy kind of like my period is going to start. My lower abs kind of feel like I worked out and they are sore but not as bad as that. My lower back is all crampy like AF is coming but I keep checking and nothing has happened yet. I feel confused about this. I also have a headache that doesn't seem to want to go away. I feel really tired but when I go to bed I have a hard time falling asleep, I am extremely hungry the past couple days. I eat and then have to eat again because I feel like I haven't eaten all day. I took a pregnancy test two days ago and It was negative so I am thinking it was too early. What do you all think?? I would really like someones opinion. Thanks. I am hoping for that BFP!! Baby Dust to all of you who are TTC.

What is wrong in this part of a letter?Can u look?

Very good. I do not understand meshes, perhaps you mean curls or waves? Also, you may do better to use like my mother rather than as my mother (does).

Why is my period so longggg?

why dont you just go to a doctor or free clinic? That does NOT sound healthy! and you must be feeling so tired from all the blood loss! is it a light or heavy blood flow?

I need a bit of help on my research paper about egotism and the book This Side of Paradise, can anyone help?

I'm writing a research paper on This Side of Paradise by Francis Scott Fitzgerald and I really can't find any really good websites that have criticisms on the book or point out my specific theme. Also, I need some good sources with good quotations that I could snag. If anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.

What are some of the most popular food dishes in Seattle, Washington?

I'm making a brochure for my cl and I chose to do Seattle, Washington. One part of the brochure has to include foods, and rather than listing off restaurants I was wondering if anyone knew of some popular dishes in Seattle. I know seafood has to be a main one, but any help would be greatly appreciated!

Where can I find a guide on how to solve a 7x7x7 Rubik's cube (V-Cube 7)?

I cannot seem to find a guide on how to solve a 7x7x7, not to mention a printable guide. A video guide would work, but I would opt for the printable guide if I had a chance.

Should we judge potential First Lady Cindy McCain as a pitiable victim or as a criminal felon? ??

"Judge not and ye not be judged". Well, ya threw that out the window as I detect some jealousy of a very kind and giving woman who has wealth, beauty, and fame. And a very giving heart. So, I ask should WE JUDGE Obama as a doper, and a felon? We know he is a Muslim and has tell me!

Can I wear a woolen winter scarf in 40 degree weather?

I live in new england and its gonna be 30-40 degrees fahrenheit today. Can I wear a teal woolen winter scarf with my black northface denali fleece jacket? I'm 14, btw

What move does it take to finish a deal to get Hanley Ramirez back to bean town?

LOTS. Probably, like, Lester, Beckett and Pedroia, just to get him. I think the Marlins said something about not accepting any trades for hi though.

Did anybody know Fergie, from the Black Eye Peas, was a fraud?

I lived a block away from her, for many years (elementary school to high school) and this whole claim that she had it tough growing up and was part of a Mexican Gang is hillarious to me. She was the stereo typical California Beach Girl, and if you look it up Hacienda Heights is an Upper Middle Cl neighborhood. More power to her for her success in life but, why fake your back ground. It makes me sick! Just had to get it out there... p it on.

Killer can't be deported because he might kill again, has the law gone mad?

The insanity of this country stands as a beacon to the world. This is what happens when your legal system is as corrupt and incompetent as your government. And, as a people, you do nothing about it. New labour have become like performing monkeys to the rest of the world. They have turned Britain into a laughing stock. Filled our country with the most hate fuelled oppressive people in the world. Once our EU masters allow Turkey to join, they, with the help of our terrible traitorous parliament, will have successfully overseen the total destruction of Britain. This coming general election will be the very last chance Britain has for recovery. If the main three are voted in again, then our children's future is going to be a bloody and violent one, seeped in a hate fuelled Islamic oppression.

Where can I get a fan that I can install though a floor?

I have a woodburning fireplace(insert) downstairs, its a Single story (Raised Bungolow) home, and the hot air needs to take a long path though the downstairs to find it's way up. What I'd like to do is make hole though the floor, maybe the size of a vent register to let the air go straight upstairs. I was thinking using a vent register booster, I think they come pre wired with a fan built in. thats one idea, would like to get a few more from other people maybe someone has done this before.

Is it possible to get hypnotized?

Tomorrow i have a winter carnival at my school, and a hypnotist is coming and he he picks people to hypnotize. i really want to do it, and its in front of our whole school so what if it doesn't work on me that would be embarring.. ahahah

Why do road bikers...?

i only agree also that they shouldn't have been riding side by side. where i ride there is no curb as they are mostly rural roads. So saying that all riders shouldn't be allowed to ride on a road without a curb would be a very stupid idea. and also your driving a big car and we are out on bikes, you riding by a person like that close is very dangerous to the cyclist you not so much. you should really try and think about how dangerous that is to him and by law you are required to allow a cyclist a certain amount of space.

What Cell Phone Should I Get ?

I think you should get the Motorola Rival my friend has it and she said she loves it because she can text easily and the camera works good.

We are best friends but we keep a lot inside about each other?

Im sorry but i think you should stick to being straight is way nicer and its not as nasty as another guys as whole he most likely doesnt wipe inside sorry bro but stick to chicks they know how to please you better

How would you indentify examples of a syntax?

I have to read two stories written by Edgar Allen Poe and two by Thurber. I need to find two examples of syntax in each writers two stories. I don't exactly understand how to identify a syntax from the stories.

Ramadan ~ how can I gain access to my kitchen now?

Zubayr ~ do I look like a frikkin man?!! GEEZ how much more girly do I need to make my username and avatar??!!

Need help with dealing with this? Bad break up with my live-in bf & he kicked me out.?

I'm with my mom now. Last week, we agreed that I will give her $1000/month to help me save up for a new dep for new apt. I got paid last Fri but my car stopped working Fri & I had to borrow my mom's car to get to work. The shop says nothing's wrong but it will cost me $193 anyway which I paid. We return Fri to get the car but it doesn't start!The sign says that we will have to wait until 7AM on Mon when they open again! 2day, the shop called & said that it will cost me another $160 for a crank sensor but it will be ready 2day. I didn't give my mom any $ this week because I thought she understood my situation. I really didn't know how much $ more my car would cost. I told her of the past few weeks of doc visits, psych visit, scripts for 5 meds to get thru this ordeal. I don't have a lot of $ left I live so far from work & I put in $50+ of gas/week. Shes LIVID that I didn't give her $. She said that if I had a spine, I wouldn't need all these doc visits & no wonder my bf left me.

How come Obama's "brilliant highly intellectual" leader of MMS failed miserably on her job?

Whats more disturbing in his speech he stated that the MMS has been a miserable mistake for the past decade. And he did nothing about it, Nothing

Situation with this puppy? help!?

Raising a puppy correctly takes a lot of work. You mentioned you already have a Staffy with some issues that haven't been worked out. I'd suggest you, in fairness to the puppy, find the dog a new home. Now if you decide to take your Staffy in for some training to resolve her aggression, and take this puppy to training cles also, then go ahead and keep the pup. Otherwise when the puppy gets about 4-5 months old, you will probably find you Staffy getting aggressive to that dog also and the Staffy can kill the young dog. Don't be fooled by the Staffy being tolerant of a 12 week old, that will change as the dog ages.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Any Jam Session or Garage Bands... grunge maybe, idk...?

I'm looking for something like "Purple Haze" or "Teen Spirit"... you know, real druggie shiLMAO. Melodic, but hard... damn, you can't find any of that nowadays... they don't get a rep.

How do you feel about promiscuous individuals?

It depends on if they're using their uality to further their own, and others' pleasure, or to harm others selfishly. If they're using protection, and they're getting tested for STDs regularly, and they aren't exploiting people, then promiscuity is an okay, even a good thing. If they aren't using protection, or they're toying with people's emotions, then they are condemnable.

Pentagon plans to charge six detainees for Sept. 11 attacks?

Good point, but no surprise. And the reason "they" are doing this now? Who knows? To take attention way from Hillary and Obama? Or, will it be a 'present' to open for the next administration. Hi, congratulations on becoming the new president. Now, you will have to deal with the fall out from the W's administration finding these 'terrorists' guilty and sentencing them to death.

Which of Edgar Allens Poe's stories are very similar to the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde?

Between "The Black Cat" and "The Fall of the House of Usher" which one is in common with the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

When somebody says they are infatuated by is it good or bad? Is it all about appeal?

I know it's good in a way but by bad I mean is it all just about appeal and not about the person's personality or could it be personality?

What are some clever names for a hawk mascot that are not already taken by other schools/teams?

I am a gifted education teacher at a brand-new elementary school. We want to name our hawk mascot something clever. Our school's theme is leadership. Any ideas?

Genetics problems?????

Well, males are XY chromosomes so they have 1/12. Females are XX chromosomes but this means they can never be recessive for X and so females can never have red, green color blindness themselves but they can carry the gene for it. Parents genotypes are, Mother: xx (carrying recessive x genes for red green color blindness), Father, Yx (has recessive x genotype).

Considering moving to Leeds?

My wife chose a house she likes and it's located in Gipton.What is this area like ? , my main concerns are that I want an area that is safe for my children , also good schooling for them.A good pub club might be nice too LOL ;)

What Wr should I pick up?

I probably would have kept Moss because he gets targeted a lot. You have a solid receiver corps either way though.

Could i pull off red with my hair?

a href="¤t=1205081736a1-1.jpg" rel="nofollow"…/a like red red or would it look cheesy

Was George Wallace a spoiler in 1968?

The results of the Presidential election in 1968 were 42 42 13 Nixon Humphrey Wallace respectively. Was Wallace a spoiler, considering that while yes there were civil rights issues in the south, the south was still rather loyal the the Democratic party. If he hadn't run, would the outcome have been different?

I've been hoping for my BFP this month...i have mild cramping and sore ?

now here I am 10/11 days away from getting my period and last night i had a very vivid dream that I was on my period....once in a blue I get dreams that I'm on my period a few days before it does this mean i will have to try all over next month because of this terrible nightmare (lol)

Crossword puzzle 19 letter word?

all natural resources, human resources and man made capital goods used in the protection of goods and services

Was Napoleon a villain or actually a hero?

Being English, Napoleon has always been made out to be a bad guy, but when you actually read about him, he was basically just a communist in a time of Monarchies and unfair hierarchies. He didn't target any ethnicities like Hitler, in fact he treated the Jews better than they'd ever been treated in Europe and got rid of laws that forced them to live in ghettos. Why do people hate him so much then. Surely if he had conquered he would have united Europe in equality, and got rid of the Bourgeois church leaders and monarchies.

What can i do? 10 points.. :/?

well, i dnt think u'll ever get her backk since u broke up with her, but think of all the other girls out there and realize y u broke up with her in the 1st place. U probably think u still love her just because she's dating another guy. But imagine dating her again... Not so fun is it?

Is this piano adaptation of Herr Beethoven's 7th symphony uses 2 hands, or 4?

Liszt transcribed all the Beethoven symphonies for piano. This is one of them. In each case, the transcriptions were intended for one player (ie two hands). Mind you, Liszt made sure both hands were very busy most of the time!

Help! Could I be pregnant?

Deep breath! I doubt you are pregnant and i'm sure these symptoms are totally in your head. You wouldn't be showing at all right now it's way too early so rule the stomach thing out. Your chances of being pregnant are very very low. Pretty much impossible. So stop stressing this is probably the reason for the weird period! =] Hope I helped

Natural Hair Relaxer?

That's exactly what i was about to suggest to you! My friend tells me the BodipHier hair straightening system straightens curly//wavy hair without the use of chemicals. Seems like a good option to me!

Do I have the right mindset for marriage? Read and tell me what you think?

I think you are very ready to commit to him. You obviously love him, it's apparent by the way you talk about him. But like most people, you are probably just nervous or scared. That's normal. Have faith! You'll be looking back at this 20 years down the road and think "It was so worth it."

Where can I find a David Clarkson jersey?

I live in Florida so there really isn't anywhere I could buy a Devils jersey down here. He's my favorite player and there was another question on here saying they saw one for $145 but I dont have that much money. However even if it is an expensive site I would still like to see where I could get one. Please give links to any good and reputable nhl jersey sites you know of that might sell them.

Will my 4 month old society finch return after excaping his cage when I was cleaning it outside?

He left behind his parents and 2 syblings. I never saw him fly out I just felt a flutter near my arm and counted my birds. There was only 4 left. I surveyed my backyard for hours, but I never saw him. I have a spare cage sitting outside with food in it. Is there any chance he'll come back? Is there anything else I can do? Thanks!!

Ball python feeding questions?

I have a baby ball python that is about 1 1/2 months old. e is a great eater. I feed him every once a week. But I've heard of people feeding them once every 5 days. Will this help him grow? And help his hemipene grow? Because you can barely see them when I pop him. I had to have a breeder probe him for me to check the gender. I want to know the best and safest way to feed him ( how often). I plan on breeding him in the future.

Who likes these names?

I, personally, am very fond of the name "MacKenzie". The twist you put into it 'McKinsee' is nice. I like McKinsee and Kelsee the most. The other one is also nice too, but i like the other two better. :)

CHRISTIANS, what do you think of my poem?

Very nice, reminds me of Christian rap songs I've been listening to lately with lyrics along the same sort of line.


you have a good speed team but, ull want to be better..being ok isnt what u want. u want to be strong and if u can be strong in speed, go for it...theres only so much speed to go around..blake is worthless..try grabbing pierre or someone with some wheels if u can

Which would make you feel more uncomfortable?

Oh dang. Two bad scenarios. Haha. I think the one of the same pursuing me would be the most uncomfortable cause I'm straight. At least a guy pursuing a girl is normal and more common, no matter how aggressive or bad looking he is.

Who thinks Monta Ellis deserved to be an all star?

Monta Ellis is averaging 24 points a game, 5 ists, and 2 steals a game. He is one of only two players to average at least 24 points and 5 ists in a game; the other being lebron. I think Monta's one of the best players in the league, what about you?

St.Malachy's pope prophecy?

im really scared of the accuracy of this prophecy, i know that i shouldnt be worried because God knows whats best for us but still, i cant keep it out of the back of my mind that the world will end, and in such a cruel fashion too (the antichrist, etc.) St.malachy prophecized that there would be 1 more pope after Glory Olivae who is supposedly Pope Benedict XVI. I know the background behind this so you dont need to fill me in, im just wondering should i be scared or should what? and i know God only knows the time, but this prophecy is too accurate to p up, plus, it doenst contradict the statement because we dont know when the next pope will be. So anyway, to sum it up, should i believe this or not? is there any way to get rid of this fear of mine???

Why did my Neon Tetra go missing?

Yesterday my tank was in great condition, or so I think. I have two Painted skirt tetras and one neon tetra. They were all swimming in unison and I never had problems before but when I came home today to check my tank the neon tetra was gone. Where could it have gone? the two painted tetra usually bully each other alot about territory but would they eat that neon tetra? it didnt seem to be sick or under stress. I'm baffled. Please help!

Should the United States First Amendment in the Bill of Rights be reworded/changed?

I have a slightly better idea. Why not actually follow the law of the land? The Constitution is after all the high law of the land (USA). When crooked lawyers and politicians bring about legislation that undercuts or blocks protections guaranteed by the Constitution we should be screaming bloody murder. Unfortunately, the majority of legislation is proposed and voted on without disclosure to the public. The government has gotten out of hand with what it thinks it can control. It is high time we got back to following the letter of the law and throw these crooks out of office. Only then will our rights truly be protected.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do you know what the new webkinz get?

Go to and click on webkinz catalog. Click on photos to see their favorite food and special item.

If a asteroid was about to hit earth and destroy mankind, would you want to know?

If a asteroid was about to hit the earth and destroy mankind, would you want to know? Keep mind that the only way you can know in this situation, is by the m public knowing, and if the m public knows, its going to cause m hysteria and chaos. So..... would you want to know?

After 2012, will there be any dates people can get excited about?

Sure. People will get excited about the near approach of asteroid 99942 Apophis in 2029. It doesn't matter that astronomers already know it's a miss, these people make up the science as they go along. And it also doesn't matter that the next time astronomers had thought might be an approach, in 2036, is now known to be a miss by a huge margin. Nevertheless the rumors are already flying that "NASA says" we'll be hit directly in 2036.

Can 2 sunset gouramis and a male betta live in a 35 liter tank?

I suggest you get two seperate tanks and store the betta in one tank and the gouramis in another unless you only want to use one tank give one or two fish to the pet store.

Can this computer play Team Fortress 2 easily on high settings?

Well you certainly can with an impressive rig like that!!! In fact Your PC specs is overkill for TF2! You can play just about anything on that computer with great performance.

Unable to open include file 'IOSTREAM.H'?

Hmmm ... it could be a path problem, or it could be that the library that you're using supports the newer rather than . So, try removing the ".h" and see if that works.

Can a stock ford aod handle a 351?

...just because the motor is bigger doesnt neccesarily mean it has more HP, it depends on what kind of vehicle the 351 was in (car or truck) if the HP differences are no more than 150HP over your old one (which I dont think it will be) then you are fine, and I think every transmission should have a cooler attached to it seeing as how their so expensive to replace, hope this helps

Can anyone offer some really really serious family relationship advice?

honestly i think they are trying to split you guys up.i dont know for what reason,but they are.or they can somehow be jealous of you guys because you guys are actually studying and have a great family.they are somehow trying to but dont let smart about it and keep ignoring usually happens in EVERY family where they are jealous.just give them the other cheek:]

What do you think of my fantsay football team?

you got good players especially your rb. derick ward is going to have a big year now that he is starting

Why do I eat so much chocolate when I'm on my period?

So far I've devoured a jar of Nutella and a bowl of hershey kisses with little chocolate hearts. O_o

How can I be human? What do I do?

Ah, but humans have failings.... Time to surmount being ruled by emotions, seeking power and money at the expense of others. "Human" is only a subspecies of MAN and WOMAN, the next higher density, fourth, where personalities come from the heart. There are some mililons of the latter group here right now, many unawakend, so far, as to who, in fact, they really are.

Can you check this for grammar/mechanic errors? thank you!?

In order to conduct this experiment the materials needed are as follows: a 150 milliliter beaker, scissors, a centimeter ruler, ten grams of salt, ten grams of sugar, 310 milliliters of distilled water, a triple beam balance, a disposable diaper, tweezers, and a stapler. The amount of materials listed will be enough to complete one test for each solution. After collecting the materials, using the ruler and scissors, cut the diaper into three squares measuring five by five centimeters. The m of the original solution, diaper square size, time limit of absorption, and the water are all controls in this experiment and have to be equal for each test. Staple each side of each diaper square closed, in order to keep the Sodium Acrylate within the pad while the absorption is taking place. uming that the triple beamed balance is balanced, pour 110 milliliters of distilled water into the beaker and measure the m of the beaker in grams. Record the measurements in a chart similar to Data Table A on the following page. As progression increases, it is displayed in Data Table A that the original m measurement is equal during each test, this because it is one of the controls in this experiment.

Are composite bats illegal in arizona or any state?

Well I am a freshman at Highland High School in Az and i have the 2011 demarini voodoo. i recently heard and read in many articles that the nfhs has banned composite everywhere and i am not sure if my bat qualifies as illegal. the voodoo is made of pitch black plus composite on the handle and a special alloy on the barrel. I have also read in the articles that these "hybrid" bats made of half comp. and half alloy don't count as illegal. Will someone please give me a specific clarification in order to prepare for the fall ball and regular season and if illegal please reccomend another bat 300$ and less to buy.

Is making a pay pal account to get donations from freinds and family for our wedding ok or a no-go?

I’m getting married in July. I recently moved from Chicago to NY , my fiancé and I are in the middle of getting our own apt (saving for sec. deposits & ect) MEANWHILE trying to plan a very very modest wedding. We originally were going to just go to city hall but then we decided to try and do something small. My fiancé came up with the idea of making a pay pal account for those friends and family that would be willing to help out and make monetary donations. Is this a good idea or a no-go?

Good grow out tank set up for jack dempsey fish?

hi i have a bout 3 inch jack dempsey cichlid and i plan on keeping it in a 29 gallon grow out tank for now until it is too large and i will buy it a bigger home. i have 5 fake plants, a small castle for my pleco a larger fake wood ornament with tons of hidins for fish and a few smaller ornaments and i wonder how i should place all of them in the tank to suit the jack dempsey best... he is probably my favorite fish and i want him to live long and be healthy. I am sure that all my other aspects of my tank (like the amount of gravel) is already perfect

Will Palin cost McCain the presidency?

Seems like Palin started out as a popular choice but is ending up costing McCain crucial votes. Would McCain been better off choosing a running mate like Rudy Giuliani?

Could I have Food Poisining?

So, I woke up with horrible stomach pains, then I threw up, then I got Diarrhea. My brother must also have same symptoms, because he was asleep in bathroom floor. My little brother must have thrown up to because his pj's are in laundry room with towel on top. I had breakfast for dinner. We had eggs. bacon, biscuits and cinnamon rolls? Please Help.

HELP...don't want to make a mistake!!!!?

get another doctor!! the chances of one false positive are low and you've had loads of positives faint or not i'm putting my money on you being pregnant congrads!!!

What if a batter hits a deep fly with the bases loaded and nobody out,?

but the catcher makes contact (meaning interference)? Is the run scored as a sacrifice fly, or a bases loaded push-across (because the batter presumably got awarded first base)? Is there still one out? The reason for my asking is a scenario outlined in Bruce Weber's book about umpires (I was puzzled by the explanation on page 15).

How do you cure ocd?

I havnt been officially diagnosed but i KNOW i have it. i do these odd routines every day and i have like these spaz moments where if i dont do a certain thiing with my hands i feel uncomfortable, fidgity, and i flip out. Plus i heard its hereditary and my dad has it. what can i do stop doing all the crazy little things i do. they're annoying, embaracing, and they intervene with my day... help!

Should I be wearing foundation. pic included?

You're REALLY pretty and You Have GREAT skin, and great color. You definitely don't need any foundation, your makeup looks great and natural just how it is. If you start to use foundation everyday and it's not the best product around, you will most likely start to break out. And then if you start to break out, you'll probably have to wear foundation every day, and then it will just become a big cycle. You have gorgeous skin and you really don't need anything on it.

Why are the Green Bay Packers so loved and the Pittsburgh Steelers so hated?

It's due to the huge amount of bandwagon fans the Steelers have that only come out when the Steelers are doing this well. Pathetic, isn't it?

Buying a new Compaq Cases?

My compaq computer cases is bad the hell out of it. Can i buy a new cases from Newegg or Tiger and replace it. And if i can what kind of case should i look at atx...etc

Chronic Waswas in Salah?

Not letting them bother you will lessen the affect on you. If you get waswas it means you have faith, shaitan doesn't try to bring down someone who is already astray so instead of feeling anxious realize that it is a sign of faith Alhamdulilah. Don't worry about them too much because they don't affect your deeds (unless you act upon them) After prayer make dua that Allah (swt) will make it easier for you and say aouzu billahi min al shatain ar rajeem every now and then.

One Tree Hill Music?!?

I think i may kno this one! Haha i think it could either be "It's You" by Annie Stella, "Prelude 12/21" by AFI or "12" by Alexi Murdoch.

Looking for "EXE"; a symbolic phenomenon which was seen in the sky, as stigmata like marks etc Any ideas?

I think it was called "EXE" but can't find anything on here, Google or YouTube which is strange because I remember finding resources and an official website the last time I looked it up. It was a crop-circle-like pattern that was photographed in the sky by a holiday-maker and also as stigmata-like marks on one individual's hands. Can't find a THING! Any help would be very much appreciated. x

Grooming my sammy?

I can't answer your question because I don't have any experience. I just wanted to comment. Your dog is so beautiful! :) The links are not working, but I see the pic on your avatar.

Other than race, religion, and party affiliation. What's the difference between Obama, and Romney?

Romney has polled for opinions on more current popular views. His campaign is more up to date. But he's going to do whatever he wants in office, so ignore the promises. Much like Obama!

Are you looking forward to the new season of the L-Word?

I felt the way that they ended last season with Bette and Tina, Shane and Carmen, Alice and Laura was crap. And what about Kit and Mangus having a baby. What is the plan with the show, I am becoming less and less interested in the show.

Anyone Wanna Hypnotize Me?

I wanna be hypnotized, but the hypno videos I find on Youtube don't work on me. Anyone good at text hypnosis? I'll give you my AIM if you wanna try hypnotizing me.

What to do with the gears while overtaking?

Generally it is said lower the gear higher the power and higher the gear higher the speed. Now what is required for overtaking : higher speed or higher power. In other words, do we really need to shift down while overtaking?

Why do oysters get served on a bed of rock/sea salt?

Salt is used to keep the oysters upright since all the shells are different. There is no other reason.

Switching my puppy from Nutro to Natural Balance?

I agree you should try a change in his food. Be sure you do it slowly, mixing both foods and adding more and more of the new until the change is done. I do not use any of the above, so I won't comment on that...I just wanted you to be aware that burping and farting can also be a sign that your dog is eating too quickly or taking in air as he eats. If you have a raised platform to keep his food bowl, it will put his head in a better position for him to feed. If he does eat quickly, you can slow him down by feeding him smaller increments in the same sitting. (I use Nature's Recipe farm stand selects...the one with the main ingredient being turkey...use senior formula for the old girl and have been doing well with both...) I also started on Nutro and switched....good luck with your pup!

Monday, August 8, 2011

When counting calories, is eating snacks and ice cream okay, if you still eat less than your calorie goal?

there are good calories and bad calories. Treats are bad calories cause its not just the calories, its the fat amd carbs. Empty, simple carva like sugar make you gain weight because they make your body release omsulin, a faat storing hormone.

Is he over exaggerating?

So long story short, this guy and I liked each other and both knew it so we are shy so we never got become good friends, anyways the guy got a girlfriend because he was so desperate to date that he was willing to date someone just so he could be taken. which is stupid,but he liked me because it just happened, not because of desperation like him and this one girl it was just coincidence. I tried to talk to him just being nice but it was awkward for ME, he acted as if nothing had happen. Anyways I ignored not talking to him. so I quit talking to him. Then he caught on I guess, because now every time I enter a room he leaves. I mean even if he's talking to someone else he still leaves as soon as the conversation ends. I mean is it just me or is over exaggerating with avoidance??? I mean I'm not mad that he is avoiding that much, I'm curious as to why he gets paranoid when all I'm doing is being in the same room, like one time he was doing a bake sale with my friend for a fundraiser, anyways i went over to get a cupcake he was so paranoid that I was there he just looked as if he wanted to leave, but couldn't because he was doing the bake's just weird, when all I did was quit talking to him because someone informed me that he got a girlfriend....I don't see why he's so paranoid at me...

How do I kiss a girl? I get all nervous and all I do is wave to her and say her name too quietly to be heard.?

Romantic attraction makes me nervous and weary of hurting the other person so all I do is wave and watch the person or talk quietly about myself and her but what if the girl lets me kiss her on the lips. How should I do it in a kind way. I think I'll let the girl control the pace.

How do u know if ur a Yankee (repost)????

Calling all trolls now leave us seniors alone we are just having some fun, If you don't we will send you some okra. what is applique?

Can anyone please help me edit any part of this essay?

Hmmm.. This is kind of long to be posting on Y!Answers. Even if someone on Y! looked over this for you, you would have no guarantee that their proofreading is correct.Try Felicity Motivational Group instead. They offer quality editing at a low price.

Need instructions for the Martha Stewart 7 Ft. Christmas Tree #70?

The name of the Christmas tree is Jack Frost Mountain Tree. We bought the display from the store. They had no box or instructions

How do I watch full episodes on CW?

So, I have a new laptop and I tried watching full episodes of tv shows on the CW website and it doesn't work. I have followed their instructions of downloading Move Media Player but the screen is just empty. Like there is no way to press play or anything. I've tried using safari, google chrome, and firefox and none work.

Peerless vs. Buderus boiler?

Mel told me to check on your Question if your just replacing the boiler to run a baseboard system the peerless will be just fine . If you were going to install a new system with in floor heat then the Buderaus would be the way to go . But since there is all ready a tank less water heater then you will never recover the cost for the extra money for the Buderus . The efficiency difference is minimal for what you need and their is no need for the computer in the Buderas just to run Baseboard which runs most efficiently at 1 high temp. setting . I would still check on the Lockinvar and the Munchkin if they have them in your area . Weve installed Mclain , Lockinvar , Buderus , and Munchkins but no one out here stocks Peerless but from the specs I read it looks like a decent boiler for the application . Good Luck . Mel's the Contractor I'm the Estimator

My step-daughters mother...?

came over to our home, unannounced durring our visitaion. SD saw her out the window, opened up the door and said "Hi Mommy." My husband heard her say this and started to walk towards the front door. Before he got around the corner, he heard SD yell, "Daddy!" By the time he got to the door, Baby Mama was running off of property and jumped into the penger seat of an unknow vehicle with SD on her lap (no car seat or seatbelt) and they peeled out of the edition. There were skid marks left on the road. My husband called the cops, but they said there was nothing they could do b/c it was her mother. My husband called her...She picked up the phone, screamed “Take it up with the courts, B!^@#!” and hung up on him. They did go to court and the judge ordered them to take a parenting cl ($100!). She has a long history of eratic behavior, but every time we take her to court, she lies on the stand, judge believes her and we wasted another day that we could be working. What to do...??

Would anyone like to send a message of support to Ceiling Cat of R&S who is in Canterbury?

yes I hope he is OK, not sure if I know him but if he is a friend of yours he must be cool. thanks for the info on the earthquake, didn't know that it happened.think I will check the news.

What would you do if this happened to you?

recently I found out that my 10 and 12 year old daughters' legal guardian was them so hard it broke a spoon on their backside. my wife and i have full parental rights but because of mental illness issue they were placed in guardianship not foster-care, so there is no CPS that was involved. This woman made herself look like a christian woman who cares. I seen her drag my youngest daughter to timeout by her arm and telling her how bad my daughter is and my daughter begging not to dragged. When I found all this out, I called CPS who is now doing an investigation on her. But now she refuses to let us see th kids because the judge granted her total custodial rights and she is hiding behind that. don;t have money to higher a private attorney. What you think and what would you do?

What do you think of this?

Ziz vas very klever und very funy. But you forgot vun important zing. You used tu many periods. At most, ziz vud be just tu or sree zentences.

Boy problems?

My friend and I are both 15 and we are both crushing on this guy that's the same age as us. Today I found out that he likes me, so if he asks me out, is it okay to say yes? Or is it a betrayal to our friendship?

Need medical terminology translated for me. Lower Back pain L5-S1?

I just received my MRI results and the it states as follows: 'Moderate L5-S1 degenerative disk disease with moderate left paracentral disk protrusion, completely effacing the left lateral recess and compromising the transiting S1 nerve root.' I just need someone to tell me what all this means. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

Rat Race (2001) - Soundtrack?

Hello! I wish to ask about a soundtrack in the movie Rat Race. The soundtrack I'm looking for, is when Vera Baker (Whoopi Goldberg) meets her daughter Merrill Jennings (Lanei Chapman) and this sad soundtrack appears. Does anyone know what it's called?